Month: September 2020


Black Magic in hindi

काला जादू क्या है–

काला जादू का नाम सुनकर ही लोग डर जाते हैं, क्योंकि व्यक्तिगत लाभ और दूसरों को नुकसान पहुंचाने के लिए कुछ स्वार्थी और ईर्ष्यालु लोग जादुई शक्तियों का या काली शक्तियों का उपयोग करते हैं। मुठकर्णी विद्या, वशीकरण, स्तंभन मारण, टोने-टोटके आदि सब काला जादू के अंतर्गत आते हैं।

काले जादू का प्रभाव–

काला जादू वस्तुतः नकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रसार है। कुछ लोग जिनकी कुंडली में सूर्य, चंद्रमा, शनि और मंगल यदि राहु केतु से पीड़ित होते हैं, तो उन पर नकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रभाव जल्दी पड़ता है। सूर्य ग्रहण या चंद्र ग्रहण वाले दिन भी नकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रभाव अत्यधिक होता है। जब किसी व्यक्ति पर नकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रहार होता है, तब उसका शरीर इसका प्रतिरोध करने का प्रयास करता है। उसके दिल की धड़कन अचानक बढ़ जाती है। मन और मस्तिष्क से वह खुद को कमजोर महसूस करने लगता है। उसे रात को सोते समय डरावने सपने आने लगते हैं। ऐसे लोगों को कई बार अकेलापन अच्छा लगने लगता है, भूख प्यास में कमी आ जाती है। कई बार ऐसे लोग बीमार भी रहने लगते हैं।

यदि किसी पर काला जादू या नकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रहार किया गया हो, तो उसके लक्षण भी अपने आसपास महसूस होने लगते हैं। घर में प्रवेश करते ही नकारात्मक विचार आने रखते हैं, घर में रहने वाले लोगों के काम बनते बनते बिगड़ जाते हैं, घर के लोग प्रायः बीमार रहने लगते हैं, अचानक आर्थिक समस्याएं आ जाती हैं, कभी-कभी घर के मुख्य द्वार पर पानी इकट्ठा होने लगता है, अक्सर घर में कीड़े मकोड़े आने लगते हैं, परिवार के लोगों में आपसी प्यार कम होने लगता है, उनमें लड़ाई झगड़े होने लगते हैं, मेहमान नाराज होकर जाने लगते हैं। कभी-कभी लोगों को तंत्र मंत्र द्वारा अदृश्य रूप से बांध दिया जाता है अर्थात परिवार की प्रगति रुक जाती है और वह परिवार संकटों से घिर जाता है। गृह कलह, व्यापार में नुकसान, नौकरी का छूट जाना, आदि ऐसे कई संकट अचानक आने लगते हैं, कुछ लोगों पर कर्ज बढ़ता ही चला जाता है, यह दर्शाता है कि उस परिवार पर किसी ने काला जादू किया है।

काले जादू से बच पाने का प्रयास तो सभी लोग करते हैं। कभी भी सड़क पर या तिराहे या चौराहे पर पढ़ी हुई नींबू मिर्ची अथवा कुछ खाने की सामग्री को लांघना नहीं चाहिए, ना ही वाहन से जाते समय वाहन के पहिए उस सामग्री को छूने चाहिए। ऐसा न करके आप अनजाने में ही काले जादू की चपेट में आ सकते हैं। यदि उपरोक्त लक्षणों में से आपको एक भी लक्षण लगातार अपने या अपने परिवार में प्रतीत हो रहा है, तो यह निश्चित है कि आप काले जादू के प्रभाव में हैं।

काले जादू के असर से मुक्त होने के उपाय–

काले जादू से मुक्त होने के लिए एक तरफ तो आपको शिव जी हनुमान जी और काली मां की उपासना करनी चाहिए तथा निम्नलिखित उपायों में से कुछ उपाय अपनाकर भी आप स्वयं को और अपने परिवार को काले जादू के नकारात्मक प्रभाव से मुक्त कर सकते हैं :

1.यदि आप स्वयं को बंधन में महसूस करते हैं, यदि आपको लगता है कि आपकी प्रगति रुक गई है या आपकी पदोन्नति होते-होते रुक गई है तो आपको चाहिए कि आप पिंजरे में पक्षियों को न रखें तथा जब भी किसी बहेलिये को पिंजरे में पक्षी ले जाते हुए देखें, तो यथासंभव पक्षियों को आजाद कर दें। इस कार्य से जहाँ आपकी उन्नति होगी, वहीं आप ऋण मुक्त होना भी शुरू हो जाएंगे।

2.ग्रहों के बुरे प्रभाव तथा काले जादू के नकारात्मक प्रभाव को रोकने के लिए एकादशी और प्रदोष के व्रत सर्वाधिक फलदायी होते हैं। क्योंकि यह व्रत राहु, चंद्र और शनि के अशुभ प्रभाव को समाप्त कर देते हैं। विधि पूर्वक किए गए एकादशी और प्रदोष के व्रत से आप के बंधन धीरे धीरे समाप्त हो जाते हैं।

3.प्रतिदिन हनुमान चालीसा का उच्च स्वर में पाठ करना भी शुभ फलदाई होता है। मंगलवार अथवा शनिवार को हनुमान जी के मंदिर में जाकर पूजा करें, हनुमान चालीसा पढ़े और प्रसाद चढ़ाएं तो हनुमान जी आपके सभी कष्टों को दूर करते हैं।

4.यदि आपके कोई कुलदेवी या कुलदेवता है, तो समय-समय पर उनके स्थान पर जाकर प्रसाद जरूर चढ़ाना चाहिए। कुलदेवी या देवता के स्थान पर जाकर एक साबुत नींबू ले और उसे पीड़ित व्यक्ति के सर पर से 21 बार उतार कर दो भागों में काट लें और दोनों को विपरीत दिशाओं में फेंक दें। फिर कुलदेवी या कुलदेवता से क्षमा मांग कर , पूजा पाठ करवा कर पंडित को दान दक्षिणा दे। इससे भी काले जादू का प्रभाव समाप्त होता है।

5.यदि पीड़ित व्यक्ति घर से कहीं जाने में असमर्थ है, तो एक मुट्ठी समुद्री नमक लेकर उसके सिर पर से तीन बार उतारकर दरवाजे के बाहर फेंक देना चाहिए। ऐसा 3 दिनों तक लगातार करना चाहिए। यदि फिर भी आराम न मिले, तो नमक को सिर पर से वार कर शौचालय में डालकर फ्लश कर दें। निश्चित रूप से लाभ मिलता है।

6.शिव जी, हनुमान जी या काली मां के मंदिर जाकर दर्शन करें। उनसे अपनी सहायता करने की और बंधन मुक्त करने की प्रार्थना करें। वहां 5 या 7 प्रकार के फल प्रसाद रूप में अर्पित करें। ऐसा पांच मंगलवार करने पर बंधन से मुक्ति मिलती है

7.यदि आपको कभी श्मशान जाना पड़े, तब लौटते वक्त कुछ सिक्के अपने पीछे फेंक दें और सिक्के फेंकते वक्त या उसके बाद मुड़ कर पीछे न देखें, इस से भी बंधन मुक्ति में सहायता मिलती है।

8.यदि आप अपने घर में सफेद आक का पौधा, तुलसी के पौधे के साथ लगाते हैं, तो धीरे धीरे आप पर से काले जादू का प्रभाव समाप्त होने लगता है। साथ ही सफ़ेद आक जिस घर में होता है, वहां जादू टोने का असर नहीं होता है।

9.जिन घरों में नियमित पूजा-पाठ, दान पुण्य किया जाता है ,जीव जंतुओं की रक्षा हो तथा गरीबों की मदद की जाए ,उन घरों पर शीघ्रता से काला जादू असर नहीं करता।

10. “राम लखन संग जानकी। जय बोलो हनुमान की।।” अथवा “ऊँ हं हनुमते नम:” ……इन मंत्रों के यथासंभव जाप से भी काले जादू का प्रभाव समाप्त होता है।

यदि इन उपायों को करने पर भी व्यक्ति को आराम न मिले और अपने आसपास उसे हमेशा नकारात्मक शक्तियों के होने का एहसास हो, तो शीघ्रातिशीघ्र किसी योग्य ज्योतिषी या वास्तुविद् से सलाह लेनी चाहिये।

Know all about Ishta Devata

A Complete Guide on Ishta Devata | AstroGanesha

Learned Astrologers of AstroGanesha use their vivid imagination to examine the Ishta Devata. With the power of their knowledge, they can tell that worshipping  Devta can prove helpful to any person. Most of us don’t know who to pray and often get confused about the proper Ishta devata? The AstroGanesha team is here to guide you regarding the Ishta Devata to worship and we will also tell the Ishta Devata Meaning to you.

Importance of Ishta Devata of Each Lagna

Worshipping the Ishta Devta is very crucial, and the worshipping process is also essential. The worshipping process is very simple and involves the chanting of the Mantras to please the Devata. The Dvadakshari Mantra is for the Lord Vishnu, who is considered as the Ishta Devata. This is mentioned in the Parashara Sage of the Vishnu Purana. It is crucial to know the Ishta Devata of each respective  Lagna. Ishta Devata Meaning is simple- A god whom we adore from the bottom of our hearts.

We must chant the Ishta Devata Mantra to attain more blessings in life. We can consult the best astrologer and can know the details of our Ishta Devata through the Ishta Devata Calculator. The Ishta Devata mantra is mentioned below:-


Mantra:         Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Namah

In Hindi:       ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः 


Ishta Devata can be defined as the personal deity who mainly guides a person’s soul to the ultimate Moksha. A person’s key role in the world can be revealed through the Atma Karaka. The planet Atma karaka has the highest longitude in the person’s horoscope. To figure out one’s Ishta Devata, we can simply look at the Atma Karaka planet present in the Navamsa. It also indicates God’s blessings for the native.

It also portrays the methods or ways a native can communicate with God. Navamsa can also be denoted as the dharma-AMSA. Since the 9th division (9th house mainly signifies dharma). Hence Ishta Devata is very important in this Varga. The Ishta devata calculator helps us in deeply studying and knowing regarding the Ishta deva.


Why do we Worship Ishta Devata?

The four important goals of human existence – Dharma (religion), Artha (economy), Kama (desires), and Moksha (liberation) are fundamental. Every Hindu person is bound to worship his/her Ishta Devata. It generally means- ‘The main deity.’ It implies the superpower who can lead a person to attain moksha (Salvation). The main benefit of propitiating our Ishta Devata is that he will protect all its devotees during any obstacle or trouble.

There can be unwanted happenings in life through which one has to go through. In these troubled times, the only power which helps is that of a person’s Ishta Deva. Also, one gets liberation from the circle of life and death. Today people need to find out their Ishta Devata Meaning and they can also go for the Ishta Devata Calculator.

How to Find Your Ishta Devata?

Method of knowing one’s Ishta Devta

Step 1: The first step of understanding the Ishta Devta is to look in the birth chart (D-1) and then look out to see the Atmakaraka (AK) of the person. Atmakaraka is denoted as the planet which attains the maximum degrees in the chart of the person.


Step 2: One needs to examine the Rashi(sign), which is being occupied by the Atmakaraka planet in the Navamsa (D-9). The sign present in the navamsa that is mainly occupied by the Atmakaraka planet is denoted as the Karakamsha.


Step 3: It is to be noted that what planets are occupied in the 12th house or the sign from the Karakamsha.The planets ascertain the Ishta Devta. If the 12th house or the sign from the Karakamsha is just empty, then we can see the lord who rules it to know its respective Ishta Devta.



Presiding deities of every planet that denotes the Ishta Devata are mentioned below:-

Sun— Shiva

Moon— Krishna

Mars— Hanuman

Mer—  Vishnu

Jup—  Brahma

Ven—  Maha Lakshmi

Sat—  Shani Dev

Rahu—Maa Durga

Ketu— Ganesha

Ascendent— Kalki


Among all the powerful deities in our Hindu mythology, the Lord Vishnu is there who is much capable of bestowing the moksha to its loyal devotees. He is the one who carries the exceptional Sudarshana chakra, which has a specific use. People can know their Ishta Devata Meaning by having an eagerness to know about them. Astrologers can guide them through the Ishta devata calculator.


Bhog and mantra for Various Hindu Deities (Ishta Devata)

When we offer a material object like the sweets to some deity then it is called ‘Bhog’. Bhog is offered to impress the Kul Devta or Ishta Devata. This is the aid of worship. God only wants true devotion from its devotees. Bhog is just a token of a person’s faith to any God or Goddess. Different bhogs are offered to versatile deities but for that one must know the Ishta Devata Meaning and what the god desires in the offering. We offer different types of Bhog to different deities. Some of them are listed below:-


Vishnu – Gudd aur Chane Ki Daal, Kheer

Krishna – Makhan and Mishri

Hanuman – Halwa, Red-colored fruits, Desi Ghee Laddu

Maha Lakshmi – White and yellow colored Sweets

Shani Dev – Meethi Pudi aur Kaali urad ki daal

Maa Durga – Kheer, Malpua, Meetha Halwa, Kele, Naariyal, Dhaan

Ganesha –Modak, Besan aur Bundi Ke  Laddu

Shiva- Bhaang aur Panchaamrat( Dudh,Dahi,Shahad,Gangajal,Ghee) Kalki – Halwa,Puri and Madira

Also Read: How Much Vastu Shastra is Significant for Us?


Surya or Sun


Lord Shivaऊं घृ‍णिं सूर्य्य: आदित्य:
Chandra or MoonGoddess Gouri (Parvati)ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं स: चन्द्रमसे नम:।।
Mangal or MarsLord Skandaऊँ अं अंगारकाय नम:
Buddha or MercuryLord Vishnuऊँ ऎं स्त्रीं श्रीं बुधाय नम:
Guru or Bṛhaspati or JupiterSamba Shivaऊं ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं स: गुरवे नम:
Shukra or VenusGoddess Lakshmiॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः
Shani or SaturnLord Vishnuॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं स: शनैश्चराय नम:
Rahu or North Lunar NodeGoddess Durga or Tamasiॐ रां राहवे नम:
Ketu or South Lunar NodeLord Ganeshaॐ स्रां स्रीं स्रौं स: केतवे नम:


How AstroGanesha Can Help to Find Your Ishta Devata?

Astro Ganesha

AstroGanesha is a collective team of renowned expert astrologers. We here provide the best Astro consultation service to the clients with the necessary advice as per their planetary perspective. In this way, our clients get the best suggestions to improve their life. People who are facing troubles in various life aspects can benefit a lot. The Ishta Devata of each Lagna varies. The Ishta devata mantra is also used differently according to different Lagnas.


We see that it’s important to please and adore one’s Ishta Devata. Whenever some life-threatening situation occurs with a person, then it’s the Ishta deva’s power that saves that person. During times of trouble, our faith in God helps us. We at Astro Ganesha, with our team of astrology experts, can help you to overcome problems in life by suggesting the pooja of right Ishta devata for you. We can also calculate your Ishta devata with our analysis on Ishta Devata Calculator.


Also Know: How to Wear Gemstones | A Remedy to Eliminate Graha Dosha



How to Wear Gemstones

How to Wear Gemstones | A Remedy to Eliminate Graha Dosha

The unfavorable conditions in our horoscope or charts can be considered as the planetary faults concerning a specific person, often regarded as doshas traditionally. The very simple and most recommended remedy by the astrologers is the Astrology gemstones as per your planetary faults and birth charts. One must be very careful about carrying the gemstones and gemstone astrology since they may also affect your astrology in a negative sense and therefore must be guided by an expert for which one must contact Astroganesha.


Gemstones are very important birthstones that are worn according to our sign. Astrologers consider astrology by date of birth and then on further examination of the chart they suggest the gemstone. Astrology today has become a vast topic. It is there for the benefit of the people who are troubled in their lives and consistently facing the problems.


Importance of Muhurat for Wearing Astral Gemstones

Muhurat is very important when any person wears the gemstone. Vedic astrology is a powerful science that can help to identify the best time which is needed to identify the given duration. The report that the astrologers give will provide the auspicious time to wear the concerned gemstones. The proper time to wear the gemstone will be examined by the careful consideration of the following:-


  1. The Nakshatra (Constellation)
  2. The Vaar (Day of the Week)
  3. The Shukla or Krishna Paksha 
  4. Choghadiya Muhurat


For obtaining the complete benefic effects of the main astral gem or gemstones in astrology, the ring should be worn during the waxing time of the moon (‘Shukla Paksha’) on the very particular Vaar(Day of the week) and the time (Auspicious Chaughadia). The Gemstone in astrology becomes more beneficial when three nakshatras of the planet are examined. Good Choghadiya must be analyzed by the proper examination of all the things. 


The favorable Choghadiyas are the ‘Amrit’,’ Shubh’, and ‘Labh’. Rahu-Kaal must be avoided. Gemstones in astrology can help a lot to make or break the destiny of a person. There are various gemstone types in the market but only the right and authentic ones will benefit the wearer.


 Let’s have a look at how these Popular gemstones should be worn to get maximum positive outcomes. 


Stone For Sun: Ruby Gemstone (Manik)

The gemstone ruby is mostly associated with the King of planets, the Sun, which signifies power, authority, position, and leadership. According to the experts, it can be beneficial to get the state, administrative, and power support beneficial for all blood-related health problems. Manik is among the popular gemstone in astrology. Gemstone rings of ruby are admired by people of all ages.



Consider the following before wearing it;


  • Purification – Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. Remember to praise Lord Sun by chanting mantras to them.


  • Mantraॐ सूर्याय नम:, ॐ आदित्याय नम:, ॐ नमो भास्कराय नम:। अर्घ्य समर्पयामि।।


  • The Correct Finger – Gemstone Ruby is mandatory to be worn in the finger of the right hand. 


  • Weight – The right weight of natural ruby is that of 2 to 6 carats at the most. 


  • Metal Frame – The ruby must be embedded in the gold or silver frames. 


  • Muhurta – The correct day to wear ruby is on Sunday in the hora of Sun. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Ruby. Sun should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are -1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are -6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.


Stone For Moon: Pearl (Moti)

Like its elegant light, Moon signifies the calmness and peace of the mind that is required to become more focused and concentrated towards your goals. Hence most beneficial to cure the problems of depression, tension, and instability in life. Moti is a very popular gemstone in astrology.
Consider the followings before wearing it; 


  • Purification Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. One should recite the relevant sacred hymns to the lord moon while waiting.


  • Mantra – ॐ चंद्राय नम: ll


  • Finger – It should be carried in the little finger of the right hand. 


  • Weight – The minimum required weight to get favorable outcomes is at least 5 carats. 


  • Metal Frame – Most favorable metal is silver, but one can also wear it in a gold frame.


  • Muhurt – The correct day to wear Moti is on Monday in the Hora of Moon. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Moti. The Moon should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.

Stone For Mars: Red Coral (Moonga)

The red coral, as like its color, determines the person’s physical strength, confidence, and courage. It is mostly worn by the people having faults related to the astrological planet of Mars. It can benefit you by power, position, social respect, and good health. Buy Red Coral Gemstone Online: Get Natural And Certified Red Coral At Best Prices. | MyRatnaConsider the following before wearing it; 


    • Purification – Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. It is better to recite the mantras for the planet lord of Mars. 
  • Mantra- ॐ मंगलाय नमः*


  • Finger – Must be worn in the right hand’s right finger. 


  • Metal – The metal frame could be of gold, silver, or copper. 


  • Weight – The minimum required weight is that of 5 to 9 carats. 


  • Muhurt – The correct day to wear Moonga is on Tuesday in the Hora of Mars. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Moonga. Mars should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.

Stone For Mercury: Emerald Gemstone (Panna)

Mercury has been the personification of love and intelligence. It affects your education, intellect, and fortune, along with love life. The gemstone emerald is beneficial for a person related to the field of education and intelligence.

Emerald PNG

Consider the following points before wearing it; 


  • Purification –Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. Keep repeating the mantras to the Mercury god as guided by the expert.


  • Mantra – ‘बुं बुधाय नमः‘ , ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं स: बुधाय् नम: ।


  • Right Finger – The proper finger to wear is that little finger of the right hand.


  • Metal – The suitable metal frame is of gold or alloy of Puncha Dhatu. 


  • Muhurt – The correct day to wear ruby is on Wednesday in the Hora of Mercury. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Emerald. Mercury should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.

Stone For Jupiter: Yellow Sapphire Gemstone (Pukhraj)

The nature of the Planet Jupiter is that of growth and development. Better for the one who is facing business problems. It provides gain, prosperity, wisdom, health, etc. 

Pukhraj Transparent Image | PNG Arts

Consider the following points before wearing it;


  • Purification – Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. And recite the specific mantras to praise the lord of Jupiter.  


  • Mantra – ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरूवे नमः


  • Finger – The index finger of the right hand is the most suitable one. 


  • Weight – Minimum weight should be 3-6 carats. 


  • Metal – The yellow sapphire must be framed in a gold ring.


  • Muhurt – The correct day to wear Yellow Sapphire/Pukhraj is on Thursday in the Hora of Guru. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Pukhraj. Jupiter should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.


Stone For Saturn: Blue Sapphire Gemstone (Neelam)

Neelam Gemstone is associated with the Saturn planet. Hence it must be worn by the guidance of an expert. Since it can even destroy the life of a person if not suited. Gemstone Sapphire is very good to wear and gives the proper benefits to its customers.

Sapphire PNG #40715 - PNG Images - PNGio

 Consider the followings before wearing it; 


  • Purification – Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. Keep repeating the sacred hymns to the lord Saturn/Shani. 


  • Mantra – ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः


  •  Finger – The middle finger of the right hand is perfect to wear the gemstone sapphire.


  •  Weight – The minimum required weight must be 3-6 carats.


  • Metal Frame – The gold or Panchdhatu metal frame is suitable for it. 


  • Muhurt – The correct day to wear Blue Sapphire is on Saturday in the Hora of Saturn. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Neelam. Saturn should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.


Stone For Venus: Diamond Gemstone (Heera)

The brightest planet of the solar system is that of Venus. Whatever happens under the influence of Venus, then the gemstone diamond is necessary for a person to wear since it protects from its adverse effects. 

Natural Diamonds | Diamond Stone – GIA C

Consider the followings before wearing it; 


  • Purification – Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. One must recite the relevant mantras to praise lord, Venus. 


  • Mantra- शुं शुक्राय नमः


  • Finger – The small or middle finger of the right hand is the correct choice. 


  • Weight – The minimum required weight is that of 0.4 to 1 carat.


  •  Metal – It must be embedded into the frame of gold or silver. 


  • Muhurt –  The correct day to wear Heera/Diamond is on Friday in the Hora of Venus. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Heera. Venus should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.


Stone For Rahu: Hessonite (Gomed Stone)

Astronomically Rahu is considered to be the north lunar node of the Moon. It is the cause of laziness, obstacles, and delays. But with Hessonite gemstone, one can eliminate its negative effects and enjoy positive ones. 

African Gomed | Shop Gomed Stone Online -

Consider the followings before wearing it; 

  • Purification – Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. Try to recite the mantras to praise the lord Rahu, to remove all obstacles in life.


  • Mantra- रां राहवे नमः


  • Finger – Must be worn in the right hand’s middle finger.


  • Weight – The hessonite must carry 3-6 carats minimum. 


  • Metal – The silver metal frame is considered best for hessonite. 


  • Muhurt -The correct day to wear hessonite is on Saturday in the Hora of Saturn. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Gomed. Rahu should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.

Stone For Ketu: Cat Eye Stone (Lehsunia)

Ketu is often regarded as southern lunar nodes of the Moon in Indian astronomy. It signifies prosperity, happiness, peace, and spirituality. If Ketu is not properly fitted as beneficial in your birth chart, you can wear Cat eye stone to enjoy its benefits. 

Cats Eye Stone 1 - | Cats eye stone, Eye stone, Mens gold rings

Consider the followings before wearing it; 


  • Purification – Initially, it must be dipped in the mixture of the main five elements which are Milk, Honey, Water, Ghee, and Gangajal for 20 to 30 minutes. Remember to recite the sacred mantras carefully with devotion to Lord Ketu. 


  • Mantra- कें केतवे नमः“.


  • Finger – The right hand’s middle finger is the correct choice of wearing it. 


  • Weight – At least it possesses the weight of 3-6 carats. 


  • Metal – The silver metal frame is a perfect choice. 


  • Muhurt – The correct day to wear Lehsunia is on Tuesday in the hora of Ketu. Also one must check the transit at the time of wearing Lehsunia. Ketu should be in a favorable house from the Lagna chart. The Favourable houses are 1,2,5,9,10,11. Whereas the unfavorable houses are 6,8 and 12. For knowing about the exact Muhurat you can consult our Muhurta expert of Astro Ganesha.


How AstroGanesha Muhurata Experts Can Help?

Astro Ganesha


The AstroGanesha Muhurata experts can provide the right guidance to you so that you get the complete benefit from wearing the suggested gemstone. Our skilled and experienced team of astrologers are very supportive. They know well what people require to do at the right moment. The suggested remedies that they offer prove to be much advantageous. You can simply click here for booking an appointment with the muhurat expert.



Astro Ganesha is a team of well-renowned astrologers that can help you at each moment of life by recommending as per your daily horoscopes. They also help you to choose what is correct or not. Whether you’re a businessman or a student, every problem related to your career, marriage, day to day problems, jobs, a business can be cured by astrology. Contact us to get suggested by the best astrologers in the country.

Also Read:How Much Vastu Shastra is Significant for Us?



Why Do We Need Astrology Today?

jyotish shastra in hindi

ज्योतिष-शास्त्र छठा वेदांग है; जो एक ओर भविष्य में घटित होने वाली संभावनाओं का पूर्वानुमान लगाता है, वहीं दूसरी ओर भूतकाल में घटित किसी आकस्मिक घटना पर प्रकाश डालते हुए उसकी कारण-सहित व्याख्या करता है। ‘ज्योतिष’ शब्द का संधि-विच्छेद करें तो इसका अर्थ सुगमता से समझा जा सकता है– “ज्योतिष = ज्योति + ईश; अर्थात् ईश्वर की ज्योति या ईश्वरीय प्रकाश; जिसके द्वारा जीवन में भूत, भविष्य और वर्तमान को जाना जा सकता है। समस्त मनुष्य जाति के जीवन को सौभाग्यशाली एवं सुखमय बनाने के उद्देश्य से ही वेदों औंर पुराणों में ज्योतिष को एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान प्राप्त हुआ है।

“वह विज्ञान, जो ग्रहों के आकार, स्थिति, भ्रमण,काल औंर जीवों पर पड़ने वाले उनके प्रभावों को ध्यान में रखते हुए मनुष्यों एवं राष्ट्रों के लिए भविष्य में होने वाली घटनाओं की भविष्यवाणी तथा भूतकाल में हो चुकी घटनाओं के विश्लेषण द्वारा मनुष्यों तथा पृथ्वी पर रहने वाले अन्य जीवों की प्रकृति के अनुरूप उनमें होने वाले शारीरिक, मानसिक तथा आत्मिक परिवर्तनों को स्पष्ट करता है, उसे ही ज्योतिष-शास्त्र कहते हैं।”
ज्योतिष-शास्त्र पर ऋग्वेद में तीस, यजुर्वेद में चौवालीस तथा अथर्ववेद में एक सो बासठ श्लोक हैं। प्राचीन काल के अन्य शास्त्रों की भांति ही ज्योतिष-शास्त्र भी श्रुति औंर स्मृति परंपरा पर आधारित है।

ज्योतिष-शास्त्र के तीन प्रमुख स्कंध हैं (स्कंधत्रय )–1. सिद्धांत या गणित ज्योतिष, 2. संहिता या मुंडेन ज्योतिष, और 3. होरा या फलित ज्योतिष।
सिद्धांत या गणित ज्योतिष के अंतर्गत सूर्यादि ग्रहों, भचक्र एवं नक्षत्रों आदि की स्थिति, उनकी गतियों के परिवर्तन के आधार पर गणना की जाती है, और इस पर आधारित पंचांग/ जंत्री आदि बनाए जाते हैं। इसे ‘खगोलशास्त्र’ भी कहते हैं।

‘होरा’ शब्द का उद्भव ‘अहोरात्र’ से हुआ है, जिसका अर्थ है–रात औंर दिन का संपूर्ण समय। होरा या फलित-ज्योतिष के अंतर्गत समय की गणना द्बारा किसी व्यक्ति की जन्मकुंडली बनाकर, उसके जीवन की विगत में घटित तथा आगामी संभावित घटनाओं का पूर्वानुमान लगाया जा सकता है।
संहिता के अंतर्गत, नक्षत्रों की स्थिति और उनमें होने वाले परिवर्तनों द्बारा मौसम, महामारी, भूकंप, बड़े राजनीतिक परिवर्तन आदि का पूर्वानुमान किया जाता है। अर्थात् इसमें व्यक्ति-विशेष का नहीं, अपितु ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की आकाशीय स्थिति में परिवर्तन से, सामूहिक रुप से सृष्टि ( मनुष्य एवं अन्य सभी निर्जीव व सजीव प्राणियों) पर पड़ने वाले ज्योतिषीय प्रभावों का अध्ययन किया जाता है।
आधुनिक समय में कई विद्बज्जन ज्योतिष के स्कंधपंच का प्रयोग करते हैं। इनमें तीन स्कंध तो वही हैं- सिद्धांत, संहिता और होरा। प्रश्नशास्त्र और शकुनशास्त्र, और जोड़े गए हैं।

ज्योतिष शास्त्र के कुछ प्रमुख पौराणिक ग्रंथ इस प्रकार हैं–

1. सिद्धांत स्कंध — सूर्य-सिद्धांत, , सिद्धांत-शिरोमणि, सिद्धांत तत्व विवेक, पंचसिद्धांतिका, सिद्धांत शेखर, आर्यभटीय आदि।
2. होरा स्कंध — वृहत्पाराशर होराशास्त्र, वृहत्जातक, जातक-पारिजात, फलदीपिका, सारावली, जैमिनीय-सूत्रम् आदि।
3. संहिता स्कंध — गर्ग संहिता, वशिष्ठ संहिता, नारद संहिता,, आर्यग्रंथ, वृहत्संहिता ( वराहमिहिर कृत), अद्भुत सागर आदि।
4. प्रश्नशास्त्र– प्रश्नशिरोमणि (रुद्रदेव), भृगु मूक प्रश्नशिरोमणि, प्रश्न फलदीपिका आदि।
5. शकुनशास्त्र — शकुन पद्धति, वृहत्पाराशर होराशास्त्र आदि।

वर्तमान में वास्तुशास्त्र को ज्योतिष का छठा स्कंध कहा जाने लगा है, जबकि पौराणिक काल में वास्तुशास्त्र को पाँचवां वेद कहा गया है। वास्तुशास्त्र, ज्योतिष का ही अभिन्न अंग है। चारों ही वेदों – ऋग्वेद, यजुर्वेद, सामवेद और अथर्ववेद – में वास्तु का वर्णन है; परन्तु वास्तु के सर्वाधिक सिद्धांत अथर्ववेद में ही हैं। मत्स्य पुराण के अनुसार, “निवास-योग्य स्थान ही वास्तु है”। प्रकृति के लाभोंं को, अल्प प्रयास से ही, संपूर्णता में प्राप्त करना ही वास्तुशास्त्र का आधार है।

“यत् पिण्डे तत् व्रह्माण्डे” के अनुसार, निवास-स्थान पर प्रकृति के पंचमहाभूतों ( पृथ्वी, अग्नि, वायु, जल एवं आकाश ) का संतुलन बनाकर ही मनुष्य – जीवन में तीनों स्तरों –शारीरिक, मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक स्तर — पर उन्नति प्राप्त की जा सकती है, अन्यथा नहीं।
मत्स्य पुराण, समरांगण सूत्रधार, मयमतम तथा मानसार शिल्पशास्त्र आदि वास्तुशास्त्र के प्रामाणिक पौराणिक ग्रंथ हैं।

ज्योतिष शास्त्र का अध्ययन मनुष्य-जाति के सर्वांगीण विकास हेतु अत्यावश्यक है, क्योंकि यह शारीरिक, मानसिक औंर आध्यात्मिक स्तरों पर उन्नति प्राप्त करने में सहायक है। इसकी सहायता से व्यक्ति, प्रकृति से सामंजस्य स्थापित कर, जीवन को समृद्ध बनाने हेतु अपने लाभजनक प्रयासों को अधिकतम कर सकता है तथा शिक्षा, व्यवसाय, विवाह आदि मूलभूत बिंदुओं हेतु भविष्य की योजनाओं का निर्माण कर सकता है।अत: प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को ज्योतिषीय मार्गदर्शन की आवश्यकता पड़ती है।

महर्षि पाराशर ने अपने “वृहत्पाराशर होराशास्त्र” में उत्तम ज्योतिषी के गुण एवं विशेषताएं बताईं हैं; जो इस प्रकार हैं — गणितीय योग्यता, शब्दशास्त्र में परिश्रमी, न्यायविद, बुद्धिमान, देश- दिक्कालज्ञ, जितेन्द्रिय, ऊहापोह-पटु, होरास्कंध श्रवणसम्मत आदि।
आधुनिक भारत में, वैदिक ज्योतिष के प्रणेता गुरु श्री के. एन. राव ने वराहमिहिर द्बारा बताई गई उत्तम ज्योतिषी की विशेषताओं को और स्पष्ट किया है। इनके अनुसार, ज्योतिषी को हृदय से पवित्र, कार्यक्षम, वाक्पटु, मेधावी, दृढ़-संकल्पशील, शांत अंतर्मन वाला, निर्भीक, शकुन एवं संकेतों का जानकार, निर्व्यसनी, यंत्र-मंत्र-तंत्र का ज्ञाता, आध्यात्मिक एवं आदर्श मार्गदर्शक होना चाहिए। तथा देश, काल व पात्र के अनुरूपही उसेज्योतिष के सिद्धांतों का फलन जानना चाहिए।

ज्योतिष का ज्ञान, मनुष्य के दैनिक जीवन के विभिन्न कियाकलापों से संबद्ध है। व्यवहारिक रूप सेअत्यंत उपयोगी दिन, सप्ताह, पक्ष, माह, अयन, ऋतु एवं वर्ष का ज्ञान इसी से किया जाता है। पंचांग का लेखन भी इसी से किया जाता है, जिसमें- तिथि,वार, नक्षत्र, करण और योग – की जानकारी सारणीबद्ध रुपसे दी जाती है।जिससे वह जनसाधारण हेतु सुगम हो सके। साथ ही, ज्योतिष शास्त्र की सबसे बड़ी उपयोगिता यही है कि दैनंदिन अनिष्ट-निवारण तथा उज्ज्वल भविष्य के निर्माण हेतु यह एक मुख्य साधन है। यह जीवन के रहस्यों को अंधकार में प्रदीप्त दीपक की भांति उजागर करता है। यह ज्ञान, एक प्रकाश-स्तंभ की भांति, मनुष्यों को कर्मपथ पर अग्रसर करता है।उन्हें अकर्मणीय एवं भाग्यवादी नहीं बनाता। भाग्य के लेख को पढ़ने तथा उसे प्राप्त करने हेतु मनुष्य को कर्मरत होना ही पड़ता है, और ज्योतिषीय ज्ञान, अपार संभावनाओं से भरे भविष्य हेतु हमारा मार्गदर्शक बन जाता है।
इस प्रकार, ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अंतर्गत, भविष्य के गर्भ में छुपी संभावनाओं तथा विगत में घटित घटनाओं पर विश्लेषणात्मक दृष्टि से प्रकाश डालने हेतु, पंचांग का पठन-पाठन/ वाचन-श्रवण अपरिहार्य है। स्पष्ट मानादि के साथ;- तिथि, वार, नक्षत्र, करण, एवं योग – इन पाँचों की सारिणीयो़ को पंचांग कहते हैं। जो भी मनुष्य, यथा-समय पंचांग का ज्ञान रखता है, पाप उसे स्पर्श भी नहीं कर सकता। शास्त्रों के अनुसार, — 1. ‘तिथि’ का श्रवण करने से ‘श्री’ की प्राप्ति होती है। 2. ‘वार’ के श्रवण से आयु की वृद्धि होती है। 3. ‘नक्षत्र’ का श्रवण मनुष्य के पापों को नष्ट कर देता है। 4.’करण’ के श्रवण से कार्य की सिद्धि होती है। और, 5. ‘योग’ का श्रवण रोग-निवारक होता है।

वाल्मीकिकृत रामायण में भी श्री राम के राज्याभिषेक का मुहूर्त, गुरु वशिष्ठ जी पंचांग के अनुसार ही राज्यसभा में प्रस्तुत करते हैं। अत: ज्योतिष में रुचि रखने वाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को प्रात:काल पंचांग का पठन- श्रवण अवश्य करना चाहिए।
🚩 राम राम 🚩

How Much Vastu Shastra is Significant for Us 1

How Much Vastu Shastra is Significant for Us?

Importance of Ancient Indian Scientific tradition of Vastu Shastra 


Vastu shastra is the science that deals with the traditional architectural styles that focus on the physical layout and humans’ psychology. There is no question about its importance. Science never loses its importance over time. People still use Vastu for success and Vastu Shastra for a home to get the sweet fruits of this ancient Indian wisdom. Vastu simply means a site of the foundation or a place to dwell.

Vastu underlines the principles of cosmic energy and power that fight against the negativity. It conceptualizes the whole idea into a hypothetical man called Vastu Purusha. The house designs with Vastu shastra open the gate for positivity, peace, and prosperity with its distinct alignment according to all cardinal directions.   


It is a scientific discipline that focuses on the geometry and layout of the plan. It involves the plot alignment as per the direction, positions of the rooms, entry and exit passages, and the distribution of furniture, according to the rules of Vastu Shastra for home. These benefits are of peace, prosperity, happiness, and progress. With Vastu principles, one can enjoy well-blessed house planning with pure scientific discipline. With proper Vastu for money tips, one can enhance life in a better way.

How does Vastu Shastra actually benefit you?

ये छोटी-छोटी आदतें जीवन में ला देती हैं तूफ़ान! - vastu tips in hindi

Vastu Shastra deals with the science of designing architecture along with its relationship to the human psychological benefits of peace, property, and positive energy by physical design. That, in turn, benefits the occupants of the house by their continuous growth and success. The distinctiveness of Vastu shastra for home is that it also emphasizes on the favorable human psyche.

With each direction, unique purposes are allotted, which balances the positive cosmic energy to flow inwards around your surroundings. The effectiveness is well explained by the Vastu expert that designed the house well according to its principle. People enjoy the fruits of Vastu shastra for home, from ancient times to the modern ones for their success, prosperity, and other positive and desired consequences. 


Vastu principle is now a very trending fashion for the house’s architectural designers or for a specific plan. Since due to its reliability, many Vastu experts can suggest the best way to arrange your loving home with the principles of Vastu shastra for family. It gives occupants the significant multiple results of success, prosperity, and harmony, with the physical dimensions and geometry as guided by this discipline of science. 


Vastu Shastra Key BenefitsVastu Tips: 25 ways to boost positive energy in your home 

  • Enhances Positive natural energy – This scientific discipline integrates the house with nature’s positive energy such as light, air, water, and other cosmic energies that fill the new freshness to the occupants. 


  • Financial Benefits – With the correct application of Vastu science with Vastu tips money, it ensures you with financial wealth and removes all the obstacles that are restricting you from having monetary blessings. Vastu tips for money problems opens the passage for easy money access into your home and also enhances your success rates. 


  • Make your endeavor with success -Vastu shastra tips for success and Vastu shastra tips money can be proved as the remedy for achieving goals with positive results. No matter how much people often try to achieve their goals, but some obstacles restrict them. Vastu for success removes all these obstacles and fills you with positive energy to ensure success. Whether it be a promotion in the job or profit for the businessmen or good merits for the students to fulfill their career dreams, Vastu for success is like a remedy to cure all the obstacles that are being blockaded in your desired success.


  • Maintains your personal relations well Vastu shastra also affects your relationships with your beloved personal ones positively and enthusiastically. Due to having some misconceptions among your beloved ones, problems in relationships may arise, which also targets your mental health. Vastu discipline keeps such negativity from you and your beloved ones and inserts some positive cosmic energy so that your relationships could be more vital than ever.


  • Amplifies the Joy – Due to having some unexpected events in the near past, there may be sorrow which may smite you and keep you sad. Vastu shastra for home is just meant to remove such sorrow from your surroundings. It keeps the positive energy flowing inwards to keep your charm and enthusiasm always. 


It must always be remembered that this scientific discipline is not just superstitious tactics that ensure the quick benefits of success, prosperity, etc. But deals with the environment that surrounds you to make you feel energized even during unexpected times. You must be very conscious about the true Vastu expert for your home designs since the wrong application may cause negative effects. Hence consult trusted Vastu consultancy to enjoy the correct benefits of this scientific discipline. 


Also Read: Why Do We Need Astrology in our life?

Quick Vastu Shastra Tips for You

8 Vastu Tips for Home & Office - Buy Candles, Cutlery, Clay and Glass Products Online| Munio Home India

        • Vastu shastra tips say that try not to leave the wall of entrances of your home completely blank. Fill it with a painting or with a statue of Lord Ganesh as the symbol of intelligence. Eliminate the negativeness from these empty walls.
        • From ancient times, the northeast direction is considered as the auspicious direction for worshiping. It is part of the Vastu system to make your worshipping place towards the northeast direction.
        • Vastu tips money or Vastu tips for money problem says that to get a fortune in upcoming years, fire the lit and place it near the house’s water pot. 
        • South direction is best for placing the bedroom since it removes all unrest in your beloved family. Try to Sleep with head towards south-facing direction for incoming wealth to your house while towards the east for memory power and intelligence. 
        • Vastu shastra tips say that It is not worth eating in the bedroom or on the bed itself, it will lead to health disorders.
        • Avoid placing thorny and dry plants such as cactus in your house. Vastu for money says such plants never attract prosperity.
        • Vastu shastra tips say that Study rooms must be aligned towards northeast or northwest directions to get proper knowledge. 
        • Bathrooms facing east and northwest directions will be best for you to have good fortune. 
        • With the best Vastu directions, one can get success by just simple tips by experienced Vastu consultants at AstroGanesha. 

Why AstroGanesha?

Astro Ganesha

 Vastu Shastra is undoubtedly an essential thing that we all must consider to fill us with its positive energy in our daily lives. The concern with the AstroGanesha to get correct applications and suggestions for assembling your interior and exterior home designs, which can be worthy for you. With the right choice of AstroGanesha, the well-renowned team of Vastu shastra, you will open the doors for prosperity, wealth, peace, and harmony into your house and commercial places.


Take Away 

Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the blockages and faults that lead to failure, even after having hard work and dedication to achieve the goals. These are something that may be Vastu directions faults that keep restricting you from your desired success. Therefore it is necessary to remove these faults by consulting with a Vastu expert to remove all these faults by assembling your house as per Vastu Consultants.  


Also Read: Why Do We Face Ups and Downs in Life?



Why Do We Face Ups and Downs in Life?

Life is definitely incomplete without having any uncertainties in the form of ups and downs in life. Astrology can help you by your horoscope prediction as per your zodiac signs. Let’s see Why ups and downs are important in life and how you can resolve them!


As we all know, ups and downs in life are an integral part of it we face. There are most of the events in your life, which may arise unexpectedly. Life follows the principle of uncertainty, as we all experienced. But Why ups and downs in life? The outcome of dealing with the situations in life gives the feeling of happiness and sadness. Nothing could be sure about the coming future. All we have to do is the right planning of events, with an awareness of the consequences we may face. Why ups and downs are important in life? Sometimes these ups and downs in life can teach us the lesson of staying calm and confident in these problematic ups and downs in life situations. 


Since life is full of breakers and obstacles, which may slow the speed but can’t make you stop at once, life doesn’t have any concept of being stable. It is evident that after a day, night comes, then day arises again. Nothing is permanent; everything is relative and temporary like an illusion, which is just for a while. We must do our actions – Karma, according to responsibilities we get, and fruits are the matter of nature, for which we have no control over it. 


Why ups and downs in life and for what basically they meant for !!

Ups and downs of an internship - how to strike the right balance | Internshala blog

As we all know, ECG’s straight-line signifies for the ultimate rest, while the pulsating waves can best represent ups and downs in life. Hence without having ups and downs in life, it is no matter of use. One can be demotivated just because of having downs in life, but the best way to resolve it. Therefore astrology is meant for. Try to be calm even in the worst situations of life. However, it could be not easy but it needs to be. Since they are temporary too, they will get over and leave the experience over you. In the case of happiness, you will rejoice in the life benefits, the astrology, and birth chart to determine all of this. Obstacles even teach you a lot and prepare you for facing even worse situations wisely. We can learn to adjust our emotions, whether in happiness or sorrow. But the necessary thing is to continue the ECG pulsating, not a steady line. 


As we are the best teachers of ourselves, peace is within us. The real need is to find that spirituality that lies in us. Life is like a spring that oscillates itself between good and evil, completely unpredictable even by physics laws. It may be a good time to switch itself to a bad one in an instant or be vice-versa. The better thing is to appreciate all that we got, whether in the form of rituals or worship and try to be calm and courageous during dire moments. These bad moments could be any obstacles or restrictions in career, marriage, job, or business. There are many instances in history where we can learn the courage, passion, and determination to face the challenges vigorously and even defeat them. We can look for a better future in case of having problems that give the better sight of the hope that keeps you fighting during bad times to the challenges you are dealing with.


How to Deal with ups and downs in life patiently? 

Ups and Downs

As joy comes from knowing what to dread, then you must ensure with following ways to handle them wisely:

  • By having the right attitude, people can resolve all the issues wisely. It will give them self confidence as a necessary thing for surviving with hope in difficult times. Dealing with a situation with more peace gives you stability. The best way of having peace is meditation, disciplined life, listening to music, and devotion to god. They will keep you boosted during sorrow times. 


  • Be ready to face the shame, guilt, and regret those things which we think as apologists. Mistakes are often, but the best way to deal with them is by making yourself apologists for unexpected mistakes and try to avoid them in the future. Try to be as calm, loving, and compassionate with others and even yourself too. Don’t make anybody down and keep rejoicing everyone as possible.  


  • Failures are often, and we must learn to face them. Fear is the main villain in our life. It restricts us from thinking for better decisions and to face challenges from which we can take a good experience to shape our destiny. 


  • Maintain your confidence by believing yourself with your abilities. Make trust in yourself and your well-wishers. Try don’t expect from every good you did, have patience, your good deeds won’t go waste, and will rejoice you with having benefits in the future. 


    • You can manage every problem you face and even help others if you think patiently and are really concerned about your problem. Every issue takes them some hope for good. If you lose your control, then it could be worse than the current situation. 

Why AstroGanesha?

Astro Ganesha

Astro Ganesha is a team of all well-renowned astrologers who always finds a way to motivate all its clients through the best disciplinary science of astrology. All the ups and downs in life, obstacles in marriage, jobs, startups, education, etc., are strongly recommended to consult the expert team to resolve such problems. The current article is there to discuss and look at your life circumstances in an astrological way. And try to emphasize searching for the answers for Why ups and downs in life and Why ups and downs are important in life? Book Consultancy Now!


It is necessary to remind the wise advice regularly so that it is easy for us to choose the correct decision during bad times. The one who gets disappointed with the ups and downs in life can’t resolve it. The problem needs to be resolved. For this, we have to keep confidence within ourselves. Blaming is just the frustration over such situations that affect your health and psychology. The regular ups and downs keep strengthening our body and inner spirit. The best fruit for the soul is learning from experience that a person gets from ups and downs in life. It all depends on how a person handles. 


Also Read: How Much Vastu Shastra is Significant for Us?

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